
Song Recordings

Astronaut Neil Armstrong


In memory of Neil Armstrong who passed away
August 25, 2012.

Here is my recording of "Armstrong" written by John Stewart.


Recorded at Alta Vista Recording Studio, Austin, Texas

The Austin studio recordings:

Left click to play the song, then use the "back" button to return to this page. Right click and choose "Save Link as..." to download.

All I Know - written by Jimmy Webb

Coal Tattoo - written by Billy Edd Wheeler

Joanne* - written by Michael Nesmith

Long Train of Dreams - written by John Stewart

Mother Country - written by John Stewart

Passing Through Tulsa* - written by Tom Paxton

Reasons to Rise* - written by John Stewart

Signals to Ludi* - written by John Stewart

Ticket to the Stars - written by John Stewart

Whispering Jesse - written by John Denver

Willard* - written by John Stewart

* with Kate Brooks

When Steve and I visited Kate in Austin, we spent a day in a studio recording these songs. Steve and Kate sang, and I took photos and videos of the recording.